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Upgrade Your Home with Natural Gas

Oil to gas conversion is an easy way for homeowners to take advantage of energy-efficiency, safety, and environmental benefits. At First Call Heating & Cooling, we deliver oil to gas conversion in Portland to upgrade your home. As a NW Natural Preferred Contractor, we will ensure the process is efficient, safe, and problem-free. Our preferred furnace contractors meet the strict quality assurance standards established by NW Natural. Each contractor is licensed, bonded, insured, and highly recommended by the gas provider. Contact us today to learn more or to get an estimate for your conversion.

What Is Oil to Gas Conversion?

Oil to gas conversion is the process of swapping an oil furnace for a furnace that is powered by natural gas. Our experienced team will convert your existing furnace or install a new model that works for your needs.

Upgrade Your HVAC System with Oil to Gas Conversion

Why do you need oil to gas conversion in Portland? There are numerous benefits, including:

  • Affordable – On average, natural gas has been significantly less expensive than electricity, oil, and propane. Your oil to gas conversion kit can help you save money in the long run by reducing your energy bills.
  • Long-Lasting – Gas furnaces are typically easier to maintain and repair than oil furnaces. They’re also longer lasting, with some enduring for more than 20 years.
  • Safe – Natural gas is one of the safest energy sources available. Oil can pose a fire hazard if not handled properly.
  • Convenient – Since it is piped directly to your home, natural gas is always there when you need it.
  • Cleaner and Greener – Homes with natural gas heat produce an estimated 42 percent less greenhouse gases than oil-heated homes, up to 42 percent less carbon dioxide and up to 99.9 percent less sulfur dioxide.
  • Lower Risk – Heating with a natural gas furnace eliminates your risk of a leaking oil tank, a very expensive environmental headache, and cleanup.

Oil to gas conversion in Portland has many additional advantages. Once you have a natural gas furnace in your home, you can add highly desirable appliances like a gas range, gas fireplace, gas tankless or tank water heater, gas dryer, or gas outdoor grill. With many home buyers showing a preference for gas heating and cooking, this change can increase the appeal and resale value of your home.

Who Should Consider Converting Their Oil Furnace to Gas?

Any homeowner can take advantage of an oil to gas conversion, as long as natural gas is available in their area. If you’re ready to spend less on your energy bills while still enjoying the comfortable temperatures of a modern HVAC system, a natural gas furnace could be perfect for your family.

Oil to Gas Conversion by a NW Natural Preferred Contractor

As a NW Natural Preferred Contractor, First Call Heating & Cooling ensures seamless oil to gas conversions for homeowners. We make the process simple and stress-free for you. From locating the gas main on the street to drawing up a route for the new gas line service to your house and installing it, we take care of everything. Our NATE Certified technicians have the training and experience to make sure it is done right. We’re BBB Accredited with an A+ rating!

Financing and Cost

As an Energy Trust Trade Ally, we are in a unique position to help you leverage a number of cashback incentives or tax credits to make your oil-to-gas conversion cost more affordable. We can also provide financing for up to 72 months with approved credit. Connect with us today to see if you qualify for oil to gas conversion financing or check out our special promotion for your new gas furnace.

Get Your Oil to Gas Conversion Estimate Today

With First Call Heating & Cooling, oil to gas conversion in Portland is a satisfying and rewarding experience. You can start realizing your energy savings right away. Contact us today to our friendly team for more information about our HVAC services or request an estimate for your upcoming oil-to-gas conversion.